Bermuda Parent Bermuda Parent Spring 2016 | Page 41
children as they come to know what to
expect and can feel safe in approaching
and discussing any concerns with us.
Tip #2: Know What Behaviours are
Expected at a Given Age
We are better able to help our chil-
dren if we know what the appropriate
developmental milestones are, and what
behaviors are reasonable to expect.
This knowledge enables us to respond
better to our children’s needs, and can
also help us to identify problems. The
signs of emotional health vary with age,
and what is appropriate at one age (e.g.
temper tantrums) may be a sign of a
problem when it occurs consistently at
another age. If we become concerned
about our child’s behavior, it’s best to
talk it over with their physician, and seek
professional help as early as possible.
Tip #3: Spend Quality Time with
Your Child
Our lives are very busy and somewhat
complicated, but it is important that we
find a way, each and every day, to pause,
spend time with and be present with our
children to find out how their day was
– what went well, what didn’t go so well,
what their concerns, fears and hopes
are, and how we can help. There is noth-
ing that can replace this connection
time, and we can be assured that if we
don’t make the time, there will be cer-
tainly be something else that will fill the
void. This time and sharing provides an
opportunity for us to teach our children
how to reflect on the present, building
inner peace and a solid foundation for
their long-term emotional health.
Tip #4: Nurture the Attitude of
Both expressing and feeling gratitude
are important parts of life. Over the
past decade, hundreds of studies have
documented the social, physical, and
psychological benefits of gratitude.
Gratitude has two parts – first is the
acknowledgement of the good things in
the world, the gifts and benefits re-
ceived. The second is the acknowledge-
ment that the source of goodness lies
outside of one’s self and in other peo-
ple, even higher powers that provide
the many gifts, big and small, in our
lives. Practicing gratitude has proven to
be one of the most reliable methods for
increasing happiness and satisfaction,
and reducing anxiety and depression.
Gratitude strengthens relationships,
making us feel closer and more com-
mitted to those around us. From the
outset, a parent’s modeling of gratitude
is key. Toddlers can be taught to say
thank you when they receive assistance
or a gift from someone. By primary
school, we can encourage our children
to reflect on their day and share one
thing they are grateful for daily, for
example at dinner time, or by creat-
ing a ‘gratitude list’ or ‘gratitude jar’.
Gratitude encourages us not only to ap-
preciate our gifts but to repay them or
pay them forward. Studies suggest that
when 10-19 year olds practice gratitude,
they report greater life satisfaction and
more positive emotion, and they feel
more connected to their community.
Let’s share this precious gift.
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