Bermuda Parent Bermuda Parent Fall 2018 | Page 5

What Parents are Talking About PUBLISHER & EDITOR Katrina Ball B U S I N ESS CONSULTANT Vic Ball A DV E RTISING SALES Wanda Brown [email protected] 333-1925 Alicia Resnik [email protected] 236-9218 D E S I G N & PRODUC TION Picante Creative W R I T ERS & CONTRIBUTORS Alicia Resnik, Brenda Dale, BCCL Caroline Drakers, Carla Seely, Department of ICT, Sheldon Maybury, Peter Backeberg, Wendy Robinson CO N T RIBUTING PHOTOGR APHERS Zeudi Hinds Photography Bermuda Parent Magazine is published four times a year. Reader correspondence, photo submissions and editorial submissions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit, reject or comment editorially on all material contributed. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without express written consent of the publisher. The opinions expressed by contributors or writers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this magazine. Distribution of this product does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services herein. CONTAC T US [email protected] Tel: 504-2937 Home is the Heart of All Activity “Society is composed of families, and is what the heads of families make it. Out of the heart are “the issues of life”; and the heart of the commu- nity, of the church (religion/faith), and of the nation is the household. The well-being of society, the success of the church, the prosperity of the nation, depend upon home influences. The elevation or deterioration of the future of society will be deter- mined by the manners and morals of the youth growing up around us. As the youth are educated, and as their characters are molded in their childhood to virtuous habits, self-control, and temper- ance, so will their influence be upon society. If they are left unenlightened and uncontrolled, and as the result become self-willed, intemperate in appetite and passion, so will be their future influence in molding society. The company which the young now keep, the habits they now form, and the principles they now adopt are the index to the state of society for years to come”. This quote was taken from a book I read recently that was inspiring. It was written in 1952 for that time period. As I reflected on it – I could say with confidence that it is just as relevant for 2018. As a parent, I have to be truthful with myself that the children I am raising, are affected by the situations, which I allow them to be involved in. It prepares them to lift up society or tear it down. What a huge responsibility we bare without truly realizing it. There is so much more I can say on this but my suggestion is to read it a few times, really ponder on each sentence and take a stand as to whether you want to train your children to elevate the future society, or will they because of our lack of …... (fill in the blank) deteriorate society. As we enter a new school year lets commit to elevating and making a brighter future for our Bermudian society. Happy Parenting, Publisher & Editor editor’s note