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Explore the International Schools Fair
here is no doubt that the image
of boarding schools has changed
immeasurably; the transforma-
tion from the brutality and coldness of
Dickens’ Dotheboys Hall to the spell-
binding excitement of Hogwarts has
been both evolutionary and revolution-
ary. However, the changes in perception
and the reality are not works of fiction;
boarding schools in Britain and North
America are flourishing and should be
By BVS Education
& Schools to Know
a real consideration for families think-
ing about the future schooling of their
children. But what makes a boarding
school education special?
All these things are on the student’s
doorstep; schools are extremely busy
places where children are seldom bored
or lonely and, rather charmingly, it is
still seen to be cool to do something
rather than nothing. As the young ac-
tor, Henry Cavill, recalled, ‘At board-
ing school there wasn’t much time for
much of anything except education’ –
education in the widest sense.
The reputation of leading schools in
the UK and USA is not just a label of
prestige from the past; the academic,
sporting and social success of these
schools is in the present and the future.
Academic excellence, their successes in
international exams and their
students winning places at Ivy
League and Russell Group
universities speak for them-
selves. Teenagers are given
the structured independence
they need to thrive.
Boarding schools are con-
cerned with much more
than academic prowess;
pupils exceeding their
potential in the classroom is
paramount, of course, but
the ability to be involved
in whichever sporting, cre-
ative or intellectual pursuit
that stimulates a child, is
of huge importance too.
Success is achieved through sound
teaching and individual care and atten-
tion. Staff at boarding schools are with
their students twenty-four hours a day
and are there to ensure that every child
is happy and performing well at all
times, and can address problems swiftly.
Boarding schools are well-equipped and
qualified to support most learning re-
quirements and a wide range of schools
offer specialist Additional Support for
learning and emotional needs.
Boarding schools have some outstand-
ing facilities and offer beautiful spaces
in which youngsters can grow and
develop. Academic and sporting
facilities can be state of the
art, and boarding houses
are often not far shy of a