you see an advantage for parents and
Q what : are Do child(ren)
to attend a single sex school? If so
A: At BHS girls take centre stage. For 120 years, the school
has focused on educating girls in a tradition of excellence.
Today, in that tradition, we continue to challenge out stu-
dents to become skilled, confident, compassionate young
women. Strong female role models, reduced societal stereo-
typing in the classroom and learning opportunities that en-
courage students to pursue their interests, all help to create
an inspirational learning environment where girls develop
the skills and confidence to excel and lead.
Q :
Are there girls that should not attend an all-
girls school?
A: Some parents — and educators — think that all-girls’
schools create a falsely safe space, removing a girl from the
influences of the opposite sex. They worry that this unrealis-
tic environment, may render her ill-prepared for co-ed life.
At BHS, we disagree. Each student’s world will continue to in-
clude boys and men — in extra-curricular activities, at home,
on weekends and holidays. And, finding her voice, collaborat-
ing on projects and excelling in academics will prepare her
for a purposeful life.
qualities are able to be developed by a
Q : What
girl attending an all-girls school?
A: In a single-sex school, a girl can comprehend her
value and her capabilities in ways that have nothing to do
with how she looks or whom she dates. She can be free to
experiment and explore, trying out new things and trying
on new roles. She can follow her ambitions without wasting
a second thought or a backward glance on how her male
counterparts might perceive her. We find our graduates
are open-minded, aspirational, reflective, compassionate,
resourceful and able to take calculated risks.
should parents consider an all-girls
Q : When
school for their daughter?
A: Girls’ schools create a culture of achievement in
which academic progress is of great importance, and
the discovery and development of a girls’ individual
potential is paramount. By subtracting boys an all-girls’
education adds opportunities. At a girls’ school, a girl
occupies every role: every part in the play, every leader-
ship position on the student executive, every position on
every team. Not only does she have a wealth of avenues
for self-exploration and development; she has a wealth of
peer role models.