Bermuda Parent Bermuda Parent Fall 2014 | Page 43

acknowledge your full potential and capability. Taking appropriate action to respect yourself, while understand- ing your worth, leads to happiness and an overall better attitude. Because the mind is a powerful tool and our thoughts undeniably affect our words and actions, fighting the emotional scars of acne can be difficult, but can start by simply changing the way you think about it. n Seek treatment and know your options To help patients build positive self- esteem and address the emotional im- pact associated with acne scarring, below are some tips taken from the National Association for Self-Esteem: n Acknowledge your potential and value who you are In order to inspire self-confidence and create a healthier self-image, you need to first respect and value yourself and The burden of acne scars is significant and can sometimes seem impossible to overcome, but know that you have options. Consult with a dermatologist and get educated on available treat- ments, while also seeking an overall healthier lifestyle. Living a healthy life, combined with the right treat- ments, are steps in the right direction for achieving the face of confidence you’ve always wanted. n Consider therapy Psychotherapy can make a critical impact in helping a patient cope with, and feel positive about, a difficult situ- ation. Alleviating psychological distress through talking with a qualified physi- cian may assist with how you view the negative aspects of your acne scars. W A R W I C K L A N E S PROVIDING FAMILIES WITH HOURS OF BOWLING FUN Mondays - Fridays 4pm - Midnight Saturdays 6pm - Midnight Sundays 2pm - 11pm Tel: 236-5290 41