Bermuda Bliss Magazine Fall Issue 2015 | Page 9



As Summer comes to a close, let us reminise on the beauty of Summer days in Bermuda.

There's nothing like Bermuda's pink sandy beaches and crystal clear blue waters. Every year after 24th May, we wait anxiously to enjoy the beaches with family and friends.

We even enjoy camping out with the peaceful sound as the waves flow back and forth onto the shore. Little do we realise, how blessed we are to live on such a beautiful island. Let's sit back and enjoy the Summer days a little more, because what's Summer without the Bermudaful beaches.


There are so many beaches to explore here on the island. You can't choose just one! We've asked our readers from abroad what they think of Bermuda's beautiful island. Most of them agree that the beaches are absolutely stunning and its hard to like just one.

Most of the beaches on Southshore are the top favorites - but if you haven't been to every beach on the island, than its suffice to say, "ALL of Bermuda's beaches are worthy of Summer love".

Go to the beach today, before the cool weather comes. You don't want to be the one complaining how you miss being at the beach.