Bermuda Bliss Magazine Fall Issue 2015 | Page 13

The earlier you start the more organized you’ll be.

Remember to label Items and materials

Things can go missing very fast both unintentionally and intentionally. Make sure the school supplies have the proper labels on them to identify your belongings.

Create, Read and Say Positive Affirmations

Keep positivity flowing all around you. What you practice, think and put in is what will pour out. Just when you need these affirmations they are likely to come to memory.

Introduce yourself and meet the new teacher before the new school year starts

If you have any concerns and questions, see if you can schedule an appointment with the new teacher early on.

Take on new tasks and responsibilities

Every student needs to grow and develop in new and greater ways. Find ways in which you can commit, construct and continue in.

Get enough rest and sleep regularly

Don’t wait till the day before school to go to bed earlier and get more rested. All through the summer and school year get at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep. Take breaks during the day just to relax and refresh your mind, body and soul.

Eat balanced meals and snacks

Variety and balance is what counts. Purchase or read a healthy food pyramid that incorporates the daily vitamins, nutrients and foods that you need.

Practice stress and anxiety relieving activities

If you struggle with anxiety and are easily stressed, try writing, painting and other hands on and physical therapeutic activities to effectivity cope or overcome these stressors.

Write and develop a plan on how you want your school year to be.

Everything doesn’t always go the way we plan it, but having an outline on what you would like to accomplish, improve and see in fruition makes all the difference then having no written compass at all.

Reflect on the previous year and think of how you want to grow from there on.