Berliner_WaggaWagga_Flyer_EN_Web | Page 6

Technical Insights
WaggaWagga brings a lot of technical innovations to the table . Various panels not only give the play equipment a modern and unique look , but also reduce the need for safety surfacing and are mostly transparent . In our newly developed Joe ’ s Grid , a steel grid is glued into an aluminium profile frame . Due to the bar spacing of 7.5 mm , there are neither finger traps nor the possibility of climbing on the façade . On the perforated panels the different sized holes create a three-dimensional effect . Another novelty are the blades – high-quality wave-shaped panels made of HPL – which turn the play equipment into a real piece of art . A natural language of form is realised through seemingly randomly chosen slanted posts . The patented Polynode clamp encloses the posts . By screwing the four parts of the Polynode together with a total of eight vandalismproof TX-45 screws , the horizontal tubes and all possible add-on parts are positively connected .
Play Elements There is a lot to discover inside WaggaWagga ! A variety of play elements such as rope ladders , net tunnels , rubber mats and climbing ropes await little climbers behind the façade and make climbing the three levels a fantastic adventure .
Blades The new HPL panels with their different contours form an undulating façade and create transparency in the front view .
Play Panels Integrated sensory-motor play panels train motor and auditory skills and offer children with physical impairments the opportunity to participate in play .
Berliner Play equipment for life