Bergen International Festival 2019 English catalogue FiB Katalog EN 2019 lowres single pages | Page 78

078 BE RGE N INTE RNAT I ON AL FE STIVAL 2 019 FEST I VI T I ES Anneli Drecker vocal, keys Eivind Aarset guitar Sindre Hotvedt keys Kjetil Dalland bass Jane Kelly vocal Rune Arnesen drums Sven Persson sound engineer Supported by Grieg Foundation Anneli Drecker m F EST IVA L S Q UA RE T EN T DAT E/ T I M E Friday 24 May at 21:00 D U RAT IO N 1:30 T IC KET Standard: 250 Senior: 225 Under 30: 190 FiB Fordel: 200 BT Fordel: 187 With new colours on her palette. The vocal splendour of artist and composer Anneli Drecker has tickled ear canals world- wide since the late 80s when she put Norwe- gian electronic pop on the map together with the group Bel Canto. She is also known for her collaboration with Röyksopp and has often written songs with the electronic duo. The Tromsø based artist does not shy away from new challenges. In 2016, she performed 078 at the Bergen International Festival together with Carte Blanche, and on her two latest solo releases, she moves towards a more melodi- ous soundscape where atmospheric strings take over from danceable electronica. In late January this year, Anneli Drecker de- fended her artistic ph.d. at the University of Tromsø (UiT) with the project The Modern Ancient Voice. The goal was to learn new sing- ing techniques, and Drecker has, among other things, explored throat singing, overtone sing- ing, joik and Persian and Norwegian traditional song. ‘Now I can't put it aside. It has become part of me, my voice and my expression. I have ac- quired new colours for my palette’, says the vocalist to UiT. #FE STSPILLEN E19