Bergen International Festival 2015 English catalogue | Page 40

040 BE RGE N INTE RN AT I ON AL FE STIVAL 2015 FOU N DAT I ON S FOU N DAT ION S The Danish String Quartet Rune Tonsgaard Sørensen violin Frederik Øland violin Asbjørn Nørgaard viola Fredrik Schøyen Sjölin cello SCANDINAVIAN TRADIONAL FOLK MUSIC Excerpt from Wood Works arr. The Danish String Quartet CARL NIELSEN (1865–1931) String Quartet no. 4 in F minor, op. 44 JOHANNES BRAHMS (1833–1897) Piano Quintet in F minor, op. 34 and Christian Ihle Hadland m H Å KO N S H A L L E N DAT E/ T I M E Thursday 28 May at 19:30 D U RAT IO N 1:40 including interval OT H ER Introduction (in Norwegian) by Gunnar Danbolt at 18:55 T IC KET * Full price: 400 Under 30: 150 *Festival card: 40 %–30 % discount Restrained savagery, revelations and folk tunes. 'There is plenty of fabulous music,' says Christian Ihle Hadland, 'but even so there are not many pieces that are a revelation every time. This is 150-year-old music that feels as if it were written yesterday. My ex