Bergen International Festival 2015 English catalogue | Page 32

FOU N DAT ION S B E RG E N IN T E RN AT ION A L F E ST IVA L 2 01 5 033 Photo: Ole Jørgen Bratland 02 Impossible is just a fancy grown-up word FOUNDATIONS THE BEST OF THE BEST IN THE CL ASSICAL ART TRADITION. TRADITION AND RENEWAL , DEPTH AND REFLECTION. PERFORMANCES AND CONCERTS WITH A HISTORY. PAGE 34 — 61 The Heroes of Tomorrow. Statoil is a proud supporter of talent development in science, education, culture and sports. We believe that no matter what challenges the future may hold, the answers are already out there. Which is why we’re backing talented youth who show they can go the extra mile. Statoil. The Power of Possible W W W.F IB.N O 033