Benton County Fair Catalog 2024 | Page 92

Beef Department
Beef Section 7 : Junior Division - Pasture to Plate Steers
ENTRY DEADLINE : March 1 , 2024 REQUIRED $ 15 PER HEAD ENTRY FEE - Free Tie outs are available first come
Superintendent : Robert Smith 479-752-7364 For more information : Wes Evans 479-903-5900 or Johnny Gunsaulis 479-271-1060
** STEER MUST WEIGH 1000 lbs . by fair weigh in ** Arrive Sunday , Sept . 22nd from 3-5pm or Monday Sept . 23rd from 7am-12pm Weigh in Monday , Sept . 23rd from 2-4 pm
This department is open to junior exhibitors as defined in the Benton County Fair General Livestock Rules . All general livestock rules of the fair apply to this department . In addition , the exhibitors in this section are subject to the following regulations .
1 . Steers must weigh a minimum 1000 lbs . at the weigh-in . No tolerance to this rule . The scales used in the weigh-in will be the official scales . b ) There will be no early weighing or reweighing of the calves . c ) There will be no maximum weight .
2 . All exhibitors must be an ACTIVE Benton County 4-H of FFA member in Good Standing at the time of nomination / entry as well as time of the fair , by entering any projects in the Benton County Fair in Arkansas , you acknowledge that you have not and will not exhibit any projects ( livestock , crafts , canned goods , etc .) in any county fair in this calendar year . 3 . Steers must be a recognized beef breed or beef breed cross . 4 . Steers must be dehorned or polled and as well as being in good health . 5 . Each Steer must be exhibited before the judge to be eligible for premium awards at the fair and to be eligible to sell in the Benton County Fair Junior Livestock Auction . 6 . All animals shown must be steers , halter broken , groomed and of sufficient type and finish to represent the class in which they are shown .
7 . Steers must be in place and will be weighed 2-4 pm on Monday , or superintendents may adjust time if necessary .
8 . Pasture to Plate exhibitors will be stalled together for marketing purposes . Exhibitors are required to work together to keep this area looking presentable . 9 . No aisle ( butt ) fans allowed . This is to include overhead fans attached to fan cages . 10 . All animals will be inspected INSIDE the trailer prior to entering the barn area . If any animals on the trailer are contagious the ENTIRE trailer will be sent home immediately !
2024 Benton County Fair 92 120 Years - 1904-2024