Benton County Fair Catalog 2024 | Page 87

Beef Section 1 : Open Breeding Beef Co-Superintendents : Robert & Kim Smith 752-7364 or 633-3889 Co- Superintendents : Bob Shofner 640-0810 and Chad Amos 790-7807
OWNERSHIP DATE : July 1 , 2024 Enter at : https :// bentonar . fairwire . com by July 1 ** NO LATE ENTRY ACCEPTED ** $ 15 PER HEAD ENTRY FEE Grooming Chute fee $ 25 one per family Free Tie outs are available on a first come basis Arrive Sunday , Sept . 22nd from 3-5pm or Monday Sept . 23rd from 7am-12pm
All of the general livestock rules of the fair apply to this department . In addition ; the exhibitors in this section are subject to the following regulations . 1 . All animals must be registered Beef Breeds . 2 . All exhibitors must be a resident of Benton County at the time of nomination / entry as well as time of the fair by entering any projects in the Benton County Fair in Arkansas , you acknowledge that you have not and will not exhibit any projects ( livestock , crafts , canned goods , etc .) in any county fair in this calendar year .
3 . Owners must present registration sole ownership papers at the time of check-in .
Pending Papers will NOT be accepted ! 4 . One breed will not be judged against another breed . 5 . Animals must be in presentable show shape as well as halter broke . 6 . No animals other than the classes listed below are eligible to show . 7 . There must be three ( 3 ) head from two ( 2 ) exhibitors to receive Champion Rosettes . 8 . The Junior Show of each breed will be followed by the Open Show of that same breed . 9 . Breed show order will be posted by the Beef department superintendents on or before opening day of the Benton County Fair .
10 . Exhibitors will not be allowed to enter and pay for extra stall spaces . Exhibitors will receive one stall space per animal even if extra stall space is purchased . Every effort will be made to provide an extra stall for each exhibitor . Tack aisles are available to store feed and supplies . If you are bringing fewer cattle than you entered , please contact the superintendent of this department . This will allow stall assignments to be adjusted accordingly prior to the beginning of the fair rather than upon your arrival . 11 . No aisle or butt fans allowed . 12 . All bulls 12 mos . & over must have nose control or nose clip . ( Open & Junior Classes ) 13 . All cattle must be back in the barn by 9:00am 14 . No community water buckets are allowed . Animals must be watered in stalls . 15 . All animals will be inspected INSIDE the trailer prior to entering the barn area . If any animals on the trailer are contagious the ENTIRE trailer will be sent home immediately
1 . Junior Bull Calves
Born After Jan . 1 , 2024
2 . Winter Bull Calves
11 / 01 / 2023 - 12 / 31 / 2023
3 . Sr . Bull Calves
9 / 01 / 2023 - 10 / 31 / 2023
4 . Summer Yearling Bulls
5 / 01 / 2023 - 8 / 31 / 2023
5 . Jr Yearling Bulls
1 / 01 / 2023 - 4 / 30 / 2023
6 . Sr Yearling Bulls
9 / 01 / 2022 - 12 / 31 / 2022
7 . 2-Year-old Bulls
1 / 01 / 2022- 9 / 30 / 2022
Grand Champion Bull
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
8 . Jr . Heifer Calves
Born After Jan . 1 , 2024
9 . Winter Heifer Calves
11 / 01 / 2023 - 12 / 31 / 2023
10 . Sr . Heifer Calves
9 / 01 / 2023 - 10 / 31 / 2023
11 . Summer Yearling Calves
5 / 01 / 2023 - 8 / 31 / 2023
12 . Spring Yearling Heifer
3 / 01 / 2023 - 4 / 30 / 2023
13 . Jr . Yearling Heifer
1 / 01 / 2023 - 2 / 28 / 2023
14 . Sr . Yearling Heifer
9 / 01 / 2023 - 12 / 31 / 2023
15 . Cows , 2-Year-Old
1 / 01 / 2022 - 9 / 30 / 2022
Beef Department
120 Years - 1904-2024 87 2024 Benton County Fair