Benton County Fair Catalog 2024 | Page 80

2024 Benton County Pageant
September 21-22 , 2024 Entry form and fee due : Online by September 15 , 2024
Rules :
1 . Each contestant must be a legal resident of Benton County . This means you must LIVE in Benton County . Per State Fair rules , going to school in the county does not constitute residency .
2 . Previous winners are not eligible to enter again in the same age division . If you won last year and wish to crown then you must sit out competing in this year ’ s pageant .
3 . Contestants age 0-13 will compete in their respective division , based on their age on day of pageant . Contestants age 14 and up will compete based on age day of Oct . 1 , 2024 4 . There will not be a rehearsal for the 0 months-11 years pageants . 5 . One Parent or guardian of a 0-3 yr contestant is required to help their child line up behind stage and take them on stage during competition . Failure to comply will result in deduction of points .
How to enter : 1 . Entry information is available at www . bentoncountyfairar . org 2 . You must register and pay online by midnight SEPTEMBER 15 , 2024 , NO
EXCEPTIONS . NO DAY OF REGISTRATION . 3 . Pricing $ 50 all age divisions 4 . TO ENTER ONLINE : https :// bentonar . fairwire . com Register with contestant information , not the parent . 5 . After you have paid online , you MUST email the director at : bentoncofairpageant @ gmail . com ,
Subject : Requesting Bio Sheet , Body : List name and division 6 . DO NOT MAIL YOUR FORM TO THE FAIRGROUNDS . 7 . An email will be sent with a reminder of all information closer to pageant time .
Pageant day : 1 . All contestants will receive their numbers when they check in . 2 . Competitions :
• 0-7 divisions will compete in Casual wear only . 1 ) Casual dress- play wear and / or boutique type outfit ( if you have questions please email ). Failure to comply will result in a deduction of points .
2 ) 0 month-7 year Contestants should arrive dressed and ready to proceed to stage . There are bathrooms you are welcome to change in but , there will NOT be dressing rooms available .
• Little Miss ( 8-9 yr ) and Young Miss ( 10-11 yr ) 1 ) Fair Wear and Evening Gown and Onstage Question . 2 ) Little Miss and Young Miss contestants will have ONE dressing room backstage . NO MALES ALLOWED . NO HAIR / MAKEUP ARTIST ALLOWED . ONLY ONE PERSON PER CONTESTANT . NO PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE ROOM . NO FOOD / DRINKS . Failure to comply with these rules will result in disqualification . ** Due to distance and height of the stage and lighting , contestants 0-11 contestants may wear makeup , if they would like . Please keep this minimal and age appropriate . Makeup is not required to win the pageant and is the sole discretion of the parent .
• PreTeen ( 12-13 yr ) Must participate in rehearsal at 1:15 pm and be checked in by
1:10 pm or be disqualified 1 ) Judging phases : Fair Wear , Evening Gown and Onstage Question . 2 ) PreTeen contestants will have ONE dressing room backstage . NO MALES ALLOWED . NO HAIR / MAKEUP ARTIST ALLOWED . ONLY ONE PERSON PER CONTESTANT . NO PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE ROOM . NO FOOD / DRINKS . Failure to comply with these rules will result in disqualification .
2024 Benton County Fair 80 120 Years - 1904-2024