Benton County Fair Catalog 2024 | Page 79

inappropriate for the Youth Talent Competition . If this should arise during rehearsal , the contestant will have the opportunity to make necessary changes to the act before rehearsal ’ s end .
14 . No decorative or background props of any kind will be allowed . A prop must be used as a functional part of the contestant ’ s act . Questionable props must be discussed and approved by the Director before arrival .
15 . The director and / or county fair management reserves the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters , questions and differences in regard thereto , or otherwise arising out of or connected with , or incident to the contest , and the right to amend or add to these rules as their judgment may determine . Any contestant who fails to abide by any of the above rules will be disqualified from the contest by the County Contest Director and / or state fair management .
16 . All acts must not exceed the 3-minute time limit ( including recorded introduction ). Accompaniment tracks ( if applicable ) must meet this time limit requirement . Tracks must be emailed in mp3 or ACC format to andraf22 @ gmail . com by 5:00 pm Sept . 11 . 17 . Professional sound equipment is provided . No personal players or microphones will be allowed . All contestants must use the same keyboard that is provided . 18 . All acts will be judged on talent , appearance , preparedness and entertainment valve . All contestant ’ s appearance
and talent packages are subject to approval of the County Contest
Director . Dressing areas will be provided for contestants who perform in costume . 19 . For Junior and Senior Divisions , contestants are ONLY allowed backstage . Contestants performing in the Kids Division will each be allowed one adult guardian backstage .
20 . A winning act from each category within each division will be announced . A Grand Champion for each division will be announced .
21 . The judges will be appointed by the County Youth Talent Director . They will be people well qualified to judge a contest of this kind . Their decision will be final . Judges scores are confidential . All acts will be judged on talent , appearance , preparedness and entertainment value .
22 . For any questions , please email the County Youth Talent Director at andraf22 @ gmail . com .
2024 Benton County Fair Talent Contest
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120 Years - 1904-2024 79 2024 Benton County Fair