Benton County Fair Catalog 2024 | Page 77

2024 Benton County Fair Talent Contest
Entry Form & Rules Prizes will be provided ! ( See the Benton County Fair Facebook page for updates .) Please enter at https :// bentonar . fairwire . com
Entry Deadline 5:00 pm September 11 , 2024 Including Music Track
Mandatory Rehearsal September 14 , 10:00 am Benton County Fairgrounds Auditorium
Contest Performance September 14 , 5:00 pm Benton County Fairgrounds Auditorium
Youth Talent Contest Rules
*** The following are relevant “ adapted ” excerpts from the Arkansas State Fair Rules You can find them in their entirety at www . arkansasstatefair . com / fair
Please no foul language or R-rated content ( Must be Family Friendly )
COMPETITION CATEGORIES There are six ( 6 ) categories in the Benton County Youth Talent Contest for each age division . Competing acts must qualify by one of the following category descriptions :
1 . VOCAL SOLO shall consist only of a vocal performance by one vocalist . You may accompany yourself with a musical instrument or make use of a recorded accompaniment .
2 . VOCAL GROUP shall consist of two or no more than fifteen vocalists . No other talent may be performed . A recorded music accompaniment is allowed .
3 . INSTRUMENTAL SOLO shall consist of an instrumental performance without vocal utterance by one performer . Recorded accompaniment may be used . An electric keyboard will be provided by the County Fair for Instrumental Solo . All contestants must use the same keyboard that is provided . Contestant must notify the County Youth Director one week prior to rehearsal if a keyboard is needed .
4 . DANCE SOLO shall consist of one dancer . No other talent may be displayed in conjunction with the dance performance . All types of dancing will be judged in this category – tap , jazz , ballet , folk , ethnic , fad , etc . Gymnastics , tumbling , acrobatics , or any other form of gymnastics is not included in this category . However , a dance routine can include a maximum of two gymnastic or acrobatic stunts .
5 . DANCE GROUP shall consist of two or no more than fifteen dancers . No other talent may be displayed in conjunction with the dance performance . The same rules listed under Dance Solo apply .
6 . VARIETY shall consist of a performance of one or no more than fifteen people . This category is intended to provide a proper showcase for those acts in which multiple talents are displayed . Acts that fit the description of any other category will not be allowed to compete in this category . The following acts qualify for this category : song and dance , lip sync , pantomimes , impersonations , skits , juggling , ventriloquism , magic , baton and any other talent not applicable to any of the other categories . If needed , an electric keyboard will be provided by the County Fair . All contestants
120 Years - 1904-2024 77 2024 Benton County Fair