Superintendent : Karl & Tamara Kay
All entries MUST be pre-entered online at : https :// bentonar . fairwire by Sept . 15 Items entered at drop off will be assessed a $ 2 Fee Items accepted in Exhibit Hall Sept . 21 10am-2pm
Special Awards presented by Ozark STEM : |
Best of Show : 5 - 8 years , $ 20.00 |
Best of Show : 9 - 13 years , $ 20.00 |
Best of Show : 14 - 18 Years , $ 20.00 |
Best of Show : Adult , $ 20.00 |
Rules : 1 . Exhibitors may enter one ( 1 ) entry in each class . 2 . Entries must fit the category entered . 3 . Entries will be judged by age groups : 5-8 years , 9-13 years , 14-18 years , and
Adult ( 19 +).
4 . By exhibiting in the Benton County Fair it is agreed that the owner assumes all risk . Every precaution will be taken in the care of the exhibit .
5 . The age of the exhibit should not be older than two years and have not been entered in previous Benton County Fairs 6 . The decisions of the judges will be final . 7 . If exhibits are not picked up at the Fairgrounds on Sept . 29 , 1-3pm , they will be disposed of by the Superintendent .
Aerospace Engineering Aerospace engineering is the primary field of engineering concerned with the development of aircraft and spacecraft .
Guidelines : 1 . Maximum size : 48 ” in any direction . 2 . Maximum weight : 15 lbs . 3 . Items may be built from a kit or custom designed . 4 . Motors / Engines should be removed or deactivated .
Science and Technology Division
1 . Model Rocket 2 . Model Airplane
Robotics Robots are all around us . From the food we eat to the cars we drive , robots help make our lives easier , more efficient , and simply more fun ! The field of robotics is expanding at a rapid pace . Showcase your robots or build a small robot out of what ’ s in your junk drawer .
Guidelines : 1 . Robots must fit within the size requirements listed for each class assuming ( ex Class
5 Robots must fit within an 18x18x18 cube ) 2 . A tri fold poster can be substituted for submitting the actual robot . The robot must contain detailed photographs of the robot design including robot sizing details .
3 . All entries must be submitted with a 1-2 page design summary that highlights the key design features and contains a list of all parts used in the robot .
4 . All robots should be capable of movement with a self-contained power source or external battery .
5 . Entries may be submitted as a group entry . Group entries will be judged in the age class of the oldest group member . The first listed group member will be awarded any premiums or award money .
120 Years - 1904-2024 71 2024 Benton County Fair