Benton County Fair Catalog 2024 | Page 52

Adult Home Arts
Entry Date Sept . 15 , 2024 , enter online at https :// bentonar . fairwire . com Drop off items Saturday Sept . 21 , 10:00 a . m . to 2:00 p . m . Check out for release of exhibits - Sunday , Sept . 29 , 1:00 p . m . to 3:00 p . m .
Food Preserved by Hot Water Bath
Fruits Note : 1 / 2 inch head space required at top of jar 1 . Apples 2 . Applesauce 3 . Blackberries 4 . Blueberries 5 . Boysenberries or Youngberries 6 . Gooseberries 7 . Huckleberries 8 . Raspberries 9 . Cherries 10 . Grape Juice 11 . Peaches 12 . Pears 13 . Plums 14 . Tomatoes ( whole or half ) 15 . Tomatoes ( crushed 16 . Tomato juice 17 . Other
Pickles and Relishes Note : 1 / 2 inch head space required at top of jar 18 . Beets 19 . Bread and Butter 20 . Cucumber ( Sour ) 21 . Cucumber ( Sweet ) 22 . Dill 23 . Green Tomato 24 . Mixed 25 . Okra 26 . Squash 27 . Peach 28 . Watermelon 29 . Pepper ( any variety ) 30 . Relish 31 . Tomato Relish 32 . Corn Relish 33 . Tomato Ketchup ( head space 1 / 8 ”) 34 . Kraut
35 . Specialty Products 36 . Other
Sauces 37 . Tomato Sauce ( 1 / 2 ” head space ) 38 . Chili Sauce 39 . Hot Sauce 40 . Sweet Sauce 41 . Salsa 42 . Specialty Produce 43 . Other
Butters Note : 1 / 4 inch head space required at top of jar 44 . Apple 45 . Peach 46 . Plum 47 . Other
Conserves Note : 1 / 4 inch head space required at top of jar 48 . Apple 49 . Pear 50 . Other
Fruit Syrups Note : 1 / 4 inch head space required at top of jar 51 . Blackberry 52 . Blueberry 53 . Grape 54 . Other
Jams Note : 1 / 4 inch head space required at top of jar 55 . Blackberry 56 . Blueberry 57 . Raspberry 58 . Strawberry
2024 Benton County Fair 52 120 Years - 1904-2024