4-H Club Educational Exhibits
4-H Clubs must reserve a booth space by completing online registration by Sept . 15th at https :// bentonar . fairwire . com
Club Exhibits should be hinged in a tri-fold design to fit into a 4 ft . x 2 ft . space . Approximate measurements should be 2 ½ ft . x 4 ft . High center back panel with two 2 ft x 4 ft . high wings . 4-H Club signs will be provided for educational booths . Booths must be in place by 3:00 pm on Sunday , Sept . 22 and remain in place until Sunday , Sept . 29 . Each club will be responsible for removing all materials in their booth . $ 20.00 will be paid to each booth for expense money . All booths will be graded Blue , Red or White ribbons . All booths with a blue ribbon will receive an additional $ 10.00 . All booths with a Red ribbon will receive an additional $ 7.50 and booths with a white ribbon will receive an additional $ 5.00 . The 4-H CLUB WINNING THE SWEEPSTAKES AWARD WILL RECEIVE THE AVA GRIFFIN CASH SWEEPSTAKES AWARD . This will be given during the Fair Award Assembly .
Scorecard for 4-H Club Educational Booths Points
APPROPRIATENESS OF THEME 15 Educational and / or Promotional Message Timely , Important Practical Message Suited for Viewing Audience
PRESENTATION Attracts attention 10
( Light , motion , sound , color , size , etc .) Title of Exhibit ( Appropriate placement ) 10 Design ( Good use of color , center of interest , unity and movement , contrast , balance , proportion and scale ) 20
Printed Visuals ( Appropriate size , appropriate placement , neat and easy to read ) 10
Message Accurate , Concise and Simple ( Only one subject covered , unnecessary material eliminated ) 15
Education or Promotion Effectiveness ( Increases knowledge , changes attitudes , creates a desire for knowledge ) 20
PERFECT SCORE ( Total ) 100
2024 Benton County Fair 28 120 Years - 1904-2024