Benefits of sleep sleep studies and the productivity and health benef Build your own shed | Page 17

Frame and raise the walls, then fasten adjacent walls together at the corner studs. Step B: Frame the Walls 1. Snap chalk lines on the floor for the wall plates. 2. Cut the 2 × 4 wall plates: four at 144" for the side walls and four at 89" for the front and back walls. 3. Mark the stud layouts onto the plates following the FLOOR PLAN. 4. Cut twenty-seven studs at 92 5/8", and cut six at 81 1/2" to serve as jack studs. 5. Build three headers with 2 × 6s and 1/2" plywood: one at 65" for the door opening, one at 67" for the right side window, and one at 35" for the rear window. 6. Assemble, raise, and brace the walls one at a time, then add the double top plates. Step C: Frame the Roof 1. Cut two pattern rafters, following the RAFTER TEMPLATE. Test-fit the rafters using a 2 × 8 spacer block, then cut the remaining twelve common rafters. Cut eight rafters for the gable end overhangs—these do not have bird's mouth cuts. 2. Cut the 2 × 8 ridge board at 156". Draw the rafter layout onto the top plates and ridge board, using 16" on-center spacing. The outsides of the outer common rafters should be 6" from the ends of the ridge board. 3. Install the rafters. Reinforce the rafter-wall connection with metal anchors—install them on all but the outer common rafters. 4. Cut three 2 × 4 rafter ties at 96", and clip the top outer corners so they won't project above the rafters. Position each tie next to a pair of rafters as shown in the FRAMING ELEVATIONS. Facenail each tie end to the rafter with three 10d nails, then toenail each tie end to the top wall plate with two 8d nails. 5. Cut the gable-wall plates to reach from the ridge to the wall plates. Install the plates with their outside edges flush with the outer common rafters. Cut and install the gable studs, following the FRAMING ELEVATIONS.