Beneficial Tips for Residential Fire Safety (DEC. 2013)
Beneficial Tips for Residential Fire Safety
We all need to keep our family and property safe from risk, deadly fires. But do
many of us take time to make sure that we, in fact, are safe? Take time to employ
these beneficial tips for residential fire safety to keep your loved ones and pets out
of harm’s way.
Avoid Hazards – One of the easiest ways to stop residential fires is to avoid
certain habits and practices that can lead to blazes. A tried and rule to always
follow is to place all lighters and matches in high areas away from a child’s reach.
Also use certain caution when burning candles in the home and teach your children
that matches and lighters are not toys to be played with.
Have a Plan – Have a plan for your family on what to do if a fire does happen.
Make sure to change the plan based on where the fire happens and what type of
fire it is. When you have your plan in place purchase the required safety tools (i.e.
fire ladder, fire extinguisher) and place them in the designated areas. You will also
need to plan on how to practice your skills to maintain your fire tools like when to
perform a fire extinguisher inspection.
Practice you’re Plan – Having a plan in place in the event of a fire is only half of
the job. In order for your family persons to be safe, they must feel safe on
executing the plan. Take time to practice a fake fire in the home so each and every
family member can rehearse the plan. It may be helpful to do varying scenarios so
that dissimilar approaches can be made.
Inspect Your Equipment – Make sure to perform a fire extinguisher inspection
on a regular basis to make sure it is in proper working order.
Educate Yourself – It is must to educate you and your family on basic fire safety
skills. There are several educational books geared to children that cover the area
empowering them to make wise choices in the event of a fire in the house.
Alarm Your Home – It is must to have both a smoke alarm and carbon monoxide
detector on every floor of the home. Test both regularly and replace batteries as
required. Carbon monoxide detectors repeatedly have an expiration date.