Bending Reality Magazine May 2014 | Page 19

Becoming a mom changes your body in many ways. It also places a responsibility on you to help shape your kids' self-esteem and body acceptance. Learn to love your mom body for your own happiness and your kids' future.

Body acceptance doesn't always come easy. We often struggle with our own body image while trying to model positivity and body acceptance for our children. We are forced to confront everything we feel insecure about, because it's looking right back at us in our children. From that moment on, you are giving them the words to respect their bodies, and it all starts with us.

Here are a few steps to help keep us on a positive view of how we see ourselves while teaching our children a positive lesson.

1. Learn how to care for your pre-pregnancy body - Your body image affects your kids even before you get pregnant. Health and wellness are a crucial part of having a happy, healthy pregnancy. Factor in fitness and a healthy diet. It's not time to be concerned with losing weight, but a time to embrace feeling healthy and getting strong and fit.

Love your pregnant body - Pregnancy does a major number on your body. Whether you gain or lose weight, it changes the way you feel and the way you see yourself. Give yourself some credit and be gentle with yourself.

Teach your kids about body acceptance - Body acceptance is taught at a young age. Ditch the fashion mags and have a conversation, remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so behold your beauty. Think about how your body image affects your kids; don't forget about boys and body image. Teens can be especially vulnerable when it comes to body image.

Embrace body confidence as a mother - Now that you're a mom, body acceptance is more important than ever. By loving your own body and being confident, you can model positive body image. Love every extra stretch mark, saggy spot and bonus curve as you learn how to deal with your post-baby body. It's not only important to your kids; it's important to your own well-being and health. Dress the way that makes you feel confident. Embrace fitness that makes you feel good. Walk tall. You're beautiful we all think so.