Bending Reality Magazine May 2014 | Page 15

5 Healthy Tips for Busy Moms


Moms have a bad habit of putting their own needs on the back burner. Everybody in our lives comes before we do - and ladies, this needs to stop! As moms we deserve to be able to take a moment to ourselves, even something as simple as taking a bath in peace.

Healthy, happy moms make better, more productive moms, so let's help each other, encourage one another and lift each other up. I know life can seem overwhelming, and sometimes it makes us think that the crap will never end. I've realize when I’m feeling stressed, drained and incapable, it’s because I've neglected myself and this needs to change.

Here are five tips that can help you take a breather, and take care of you, so that you can feel invincible, energetic and ready to conquer the world and all it gives you.

#3: De-stress (breathe, sleep, sex!)

Whenever I you feel the blood pressure rising, stop, BREATHE (slowly and deeply), refocus and regroup. I do what I can do and then I let the rest of it go. Adequate sleep is a must, and please don't laugh at this last tip (or do!) but sex can work wonders to alleviate stress! Your partner will thank me too. :)


#4: Prepare healthy foods and lunch ahead of time

Taking a few minutes on the weekend to think what meals you would like during the work week helps make those meals happen. I'm honestly too tired at the end of a work day to want to think about planning meals. A weekend grocery run is helpful, and prepping food for the week to come goes a long way to quicken and simplify meals. Also cut up veggies (celery, bell peppers, etc.) and fruit in advance, put in individual Ziploc bags in the fridge so you can grab an easy, healthy snack when on the go.



#5: Cut down on the guilt

Eliminate time-wasting activities that you don't really enjoy or value. Fill that saved time, instead, with the family and friends you do enjoy and value.

Give yourself a break - you're not perfect, we can't do it all. Let's just treasure the life we live and the people we love.