Bending Reality Magazine February | Page 51

Risk 1 – Terrorism?

I was with a group of teaching colleagues this week and we were discussing recent events in France with the attack on Charlie Hebdo and the kosher supermarket. As you can imagine there were some totally unrealistic and irrational suggestions as to how society at large should react, in the UK and elsewhere despite us being a group of fairly liberal minded people most of the time. More disturbing was a common belief that people in the West should avoid these sources of danger by avoiding holidays in target locations such as Paris, London and New York.

The discussion became a little heated as I believe that such views are actually dangerous. In saying this, I will be honest, I have no intention of holidaying in places where there are almost daily reports of such incidents so Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are definitely off my holiday itinerary. I am no more immune to bomb or bullet than the next person but I do not believe I should live my life in fear of some random armed, allegedly religious or political lunatic – if you want to know real danger in Paris, try crossing the road from the Arc du Triomphe! (Especially if you are from the UK and the drivers can get you from the wrong direction)

Risk 2 – Culture Clash

I avoid countries like Saudi Arabia and others with "Religious Police" who stalk unwary women who may offend these medieval pervs by socializing with some man who is not their father or brother. The unfortunate women may have offended local codes of behavior and be locked up for a kiss (innocent or otherwise) or displaying too much skin. I have no intention of going where I am not welcome.

Risk 3 – Politicians

When I hear the comments and views of some politicians; I completely lose my faith in the democratic process. There is a long list of comments that make you ask the question "What sort of person actually voted for this man or woman?"

A brief hunt for quotes which are not only stupid but potentially life threatening are found to varying degrees across the political spectrum but I must confess there is a worrying trend towards criminal crassness among right wing politicians but the real shockers are in the Republican Party of the USA. I am sure the UK Tory Party can provide some meaty

comparisons but what can you say

about these?

(a) Todd Akin, a Republican Member

of Congress in 2012 speaking

about rape.

“Well you know, people always want

to try to make that as one of those

things, well how do you, how do

you slice this particularly tough

sort of ethical question. First of all,

from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

If anyone, including Todd Akin, would like to explain or justify the statement as being anything other than the mouthing of a bigot with no respect for women, please go away and stick your head down the toilet where it belongs!

Such views are a danger to all women!

(b) I then saw a recent article saying that a US senator has suggested that restaurants should not have to make their employees wash their hands after toilet visits.