Bending Reality Magazine April | Page 36

Important Women In My Life

By O’Telia

My Mother

Thank you mother for given me life.

Without you, I would not be.

Without you fighting the good fight,

And making those vital sacrifices,

I would not be the woman that I needed to be.

Thank you for being there.

Fixing my wounds and supporting me.

If you wasn't there pushing me

I wouldn't have the strength or will,

To go out and spread my wings

My Husbands' Mother

Thank you Ms. H. for giving him life.

Without you, he would not be.

Without you fighting the good fight,

And making those vital sacrifices,

He would not be with me.

Thank you for being there.

You taught him how to be a man,

When his own father abandon him

He is strong, smart, and kind hearted,

I am proud to call him: my husband.

My Pastor

Thank you Mrs. K. for being my pastor

Without you, my spirit would still be broken.

Without you fighting the good fight,

And making those vital sacrifices,

My spirit would have been lost forever.

Thank you for opening your heart and doors

You were there when I needed a mother,

When my own mother was miles away

You taught me how to be a stronger woman,

And you have encouraged me to utilize my talents once more.

And of Course Me

Thank you "miss" lady for being me.

Without you, I would not be.

Without you fighting the good fight,

And making those vital sacrifices,

I would not be here today.

Thank you for having the will and strength

To keep pushing on, when life looked bleak

If you didn't keep pushing

And thinking outside the box

I wouldn't be: Me.

My Final Thanks

So, Thank You All

The most important women in my life

Without you, I would not be

Without you fighting the good fight,

And making those vital sacrifices

I would not have this life to live.

Thank you all for being there.