Bending Reality Magazine April | Page 26

Motherhood on GOR


In the UK mother’s day is celebrated in the month of March and in the USA it is celebrated in the month of May. I am sure many countries have chosen a day where mothers can be appreciated for all they do. I am unable to find anything in relation to if this is the same in Gor. Motherhood in Gor is an entirely different prospect to that on earth. In Gor, the free women (FW) becomes the child bearer and raises the children. They may not be allowed to express their sexuality, but they can express a deep seeded need of love for their children and to child bear.

On Gor, free women are extremely valued and respected by true Gorean men. She is the source of the future of Gor. She is in a very special position within got and only free women can bear and raise a free child. Many people assume that she is a slave in waiting, but often their position is far above that of the slaves. Some even consider a free women’s position above that of a wife of Earth.

What is the most difficult to understand for those who are not Gorean, is that of the concept that Gorean society holds. That only a free women can produce and raise free children if a Gorean man was to have children it was expected by law that his mother was free. On Gor, A slave having a child or child rearing was not a common thing. The slave would be released until the child was born, and then the slave recaptured again. The child would often grow up to be a slave. Their Masters would not purposely breed a child with a slave.

However there are references to slave on slave breeding within Gor. Within Gor, it is always the better looking women who are breeding slaves. They are usually crossed and hooded along with a handsome male silk slave who is also hooded. Certain slaves may be bred for certain Masters, and there is sometimes a ritual and breeding wine. Breeding was not an everyday occurrence. The female version of the offspring is often very beautiful and a highly desired pleasure slave.

Research shows that one of the reason that slaves were not allowed to bear a child from their Master was that it would be hard for the slave to be on beck on call to their Masters every whim and need when they have children around their feet. Slaves are there entirely for their Master so having children would get in the way of this. The breeding slaves would not be allowed to rear their children. Often these children would be sold on, sometimes they are reared until they are at a suitable age to be of use as a slave.

So, although slaves do child bear these are often not reared by the slave mother. The mother and father do not know each other and are often selected for their traits as a slave. Almost as if they have been designed, for certain traits. I can imagine some traits would be more desirable then others and therefore the slave is carefully chosen in the hope that this trait is passed on. I am sure there are times when a Master accidently impregnates their slave and how this is dealt with is mentioned above.

Where as in comparison a free women can child bear and rear. They often get to choose the free man in which to be their child’s father and even though the father may have a different caste often the child is placed with the Mother’s caste until they reach an age where they can choose for themselves. (Strange as women are classed as the inferior sex, I am gathering this is because the men had little time to entertain children.) So like many civilisations children are the importance of this and therefor free women have a much more important role then first perceived as a slave in waiting. There will always be free women in Gor to ensure that it Gor prospects and grows. Without free women this becomes a very hard task.