Bending Reality Magazine April 2014 | Page 35

Don't You Hate It: Part II

Here we are again. I found out more things that I simply hate. Please note that these are my known and in no way do they agree with anyone else. These are my thoughts only. Let's get started.

My first one has to do with money. Don't you hate when you want to pay for your food with a credit card or check and they only allow cash? Happened before. I've gone to a place for lunch which I won't mention. After I ordered my food, I got my credit card out. I was told I could only pay with cash. I was given an IOU with the amount. I still got my food. I went to the grocery store later, got enough money to pay my bill, and paid it before the eatery closed for the day. While I learned that you should always carry cash lately, it doesn’t work all the time.

My second one has to do with commercials. Don't you hate it when you see this cool item on TV or hear about it on the radio and you got to buy it? When you do, you see it's not what you thought but instead it's something else? This one is a classic. I've seen so many commercials giving false ads. The people who do these ads are supposed to be telling the truth. Some of them do, some of them don't. Those who don't hurt those who do tell the truth. In the end, it costs us the money for something false.

My third one has to do partly with what I just mentioned and that in being costs money. Don't you hate when you pay for a service on TV and it gets blocked? You call the service and it can't do anything about it? It happens so often. I won't mention which companies, but we've been asking for two channels in particular, both sports channels. We pay for them and they get blocked. Fortunately, there's another service which I do pay for yearly and I get to see these sporting events without any problem. Why can't companies keep their promises to make sure you have that specific station you want?

My last one has to do with airlines. As we all know, weather delays can cause a mess at airports. I'll give you an example here before I talk about why. I was in Cincinnati on my way back to Colorado Springs. This was when I was still living in Colorado. I was heading home from a conference in Niagara Falls. There was a delay due to a major thunderstorm. Suddenly, there was a window of about 20 minutes to get planes going before the airport closed again because of the weather. My flight was the 2nd flight to leave the airport. I found out later that after my flight took off, the airport was closed again, so talk about lucky. Anyway, let me explain why I hate it. It's not because of weather delays. It is because of time delays. I was at one airport heading back home. The flight that was supposed to take me home was being delayed because there was like 5 people who had to get out via wheelchairs. We had a small window. We ended up having to wait over 6 hours before we finally got back home. Airlines these days are like this. Less flights, more people wanting to go. Why do airlines get rid of flights? Cost of course. The airlines are becoming such a headache. Yet, there are getting so much money. Can't they add more flights so more can go to their destination?

That's it for stuff that I hate. See you next time. I'm out.