Healthy Relationships
as Painkillers
written by Alice Baldwin O’Keefe
When we feel our partner “has our back” and believes in
us we are stronger to face life’s challenges. Researchers
realize a secure and connected relationship reduces our
experience of pain. Dr. Sue Johnson, pioneer of Emotionally
Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) discovered it when she
asked participants to go into an MRI machine and receive
a series of moderately painful electric shocks to an ankle.
Therapy is not just for times of crisis but a good part
They measured the brain’s reaction to pain when a stranger,
of self-care and life enhancement that
then a spouse held the subject’s hand. Couples with diffi culty
promotes love + connection.
in their relationship had no diff erence in pain, whether a
stranger or a spouse held their hand, it hurt. After EFCT,
Providing couples and individuals with a
results changed. Having intimate, connected, emotionally
blend of research-based therapies
safe, and bonding conversations, guided by a therapist,
heart-centered approach.
there was improvement in their relationship. After therapy,
participants return to the shocking MRI machine, this time
pain was reported as merely “uncomfortable” when their
spouse held their hand, the brain reveals that the participant
is calm and secure. We can change our perception of pain,
by feeling more connected and supported in love. It is said
an average couple waits 6 years before seeking therapy to
support their relationship. I hope this research inspires you
to seek support you need proactively. A securely connected
relationship makes our lives, community and world a better
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Larissa Spafford, NTP
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