Bend Health Spring 2018 | Page 16

by Rachel London EARTHING by Diana Aimone “The earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair” ~Kahlil Gibran A simple act of placing bare feet on the ground may provide a foundation for increased health and well-being, known as Earthing or grounding. As a mental health counselor, I work with clients suffering from depression, anxiety, PTSD, chronic fatigue, chron- ic pain and diagnosis of degenerative disc disease, fi- bromyalgia, lupus, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis and more. One reason could be that we rarely connect with the earth with our bare feet in our modern world. We 16 BEND HEALTH GUIDE  | Spring 2018 \WITH ESSENTIAL OILS by Rachel London Earth Connections Photo by Nirzar-Pangarkar spend most days disconnected from our planet. Free radical stress from exposure to pollution, cigarettes, pesticides, processed foods and radiation continual- ly deplete your body of electrons. The Earth is elec- tron-rich to provide an abundant supply of antioxidant free-radical busting electrons. Without antioxidants, free radicals can overwhelm your system leading to oxidative stress, inflammation, and accelerated aging. Our body is an electrical being that can use ground- ing to harness an electrical charge of the Earth to pos- itively influence health. When bare feet are placed on Earth, you absorb large amounts of negative electrons through the soles of your feet. This is possibly due to the Earth being struck by lightning; thousands of time each minute, primarily around the Equator. Earthing is as simple as placing your feet on bare ground, beach sand, grass, concrete or bricks which are not painted or sealed, or ceramic tile. Surfaces that do not ground you are wood, vinyl, plastic or rubber, tar, tarmac, and asphalt. There are also grounding pads, grounding chairs, grounding sheets for your bed, wrist bracelets, and other products on the market, if you can- not wiggle your toes on the earth’s surface each day. Research shows significant health benefits from Earthing, including improved sleep, decreased inflam- mation and pain, a shift in the autonomic nervous sys- tem from sympathetic to parasympathetic activation, reduction in blood viscosity, improvement in wound healing, improved circulation, and stress reduction. Make a commitment to touch the Earth more with your bare feet, enjoy the fresh air while you’re out there, it’ll do your body good! For more information check out the resources listed below. Resources:,, Earthing. com, the movies Down to Earth and The Grounded. Photo by Jayde Silbernagel Feeling grounded is a natural state of being that connects our mind, body, and spirit with Earth. A sense of oneness is experienced by centering ourselves to feel balanced within, regardless of what is happen- ing around us externally. When you aren’t grounded, you feel emotionally vulnerable, out of sorts or discon- nected. We can use aromatherapy to ground ourselves. Holistic by nature, essential oils bring us balance men- tally, spiritually, and energetically. perfumes. Check out for special grounding Spirit Spritzer Aromatherapy Sprays, inhalers, roll-on perfumes, and more! The most grounding essential oils are distilled from trees and root s, they connect us to ourselves and our source. Sandalwood, Palo Santo, and Cedar are the most powerful oils derived from trees. They center our energy, connect us to our authentic self and quiet the mind. Roots of plants have a deep connection within the earth, their oils give us security, peace of mind, and a strong sense of rootedness. The most notable oil dis- tilled from roots is Vetiver, with roots that grow up to 8 feet deep, Vetiver connects us to Earth’s deeply nour- ishing energies. It replaces anxiety, fear and instability with feelings of oneness and strength. Essential oils work with nature to give us a connection, a oneness to Earth, ourselves and our relationships. A simple way to use oils for grounding is to take un- scented lotion in your palm, a single drop of a ground- ing oil of your choice, rub together, inhale deeply, and apply on arms, legs, or feet. Vetiver, Sandalwood and Palo Santo are amazing, skin nourishing oils. Since these oils are the essence of wood and roots, they tend to be viscous in nature and not a good choice for dif- fusers. These oils are excellent in sprays, lotions, and | BEND HEALTH GUIDE 17