Book Review
We Rise- Earth Guardians Guide to Building a
Movement to Restore the Planet
By Climate Activist Xiuhtezcatl Martinez
1 large peach, pitted and cut into 3/4-inch (2-cm) slice
2 medium tomatoes, cut into 3/4-inch (2-cm) slices
4 ounces (113 g) fresh mozzarella, cut into half-moons
Handful of fresh basil leaves
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Kosher salt and ground black pepper
4 Servings On a dish, arrange salad by alternating
peaches, tomatoes, and mozzarella in rows. Tuck ba-
sil leaves between the fruit and cheese. Drizzle gen-
erously with oil and vinegar, aiming for a ratio of 2:1
oil to vinegar. Top salad with a sprinkle of salt and
pepper to taste, mix it up. For sweeter flavor, grill
peaches on medium heat, 2 minutes on each side un-
til lightly charred and caramelized
Xiuhtezcatl (pronounced Shoe-Tez-Cahtl) Martinez
has been a powerful voice on the front lines of a glob-
al, youth led environmental movement that is suing
our Government in a landmark case. He is a plaintiff
in the lawsuit Juliana vs the United States, a Climate
Lawsuit against the Trump administration for its failure
to protect the atmosphere and future of our environ-
ment. Plaintiff lawyers argue that the extraction of fos-
sil fuels that our federal government allows is in viola-
tion of a public trust doctrine that guarantees citizens
a clean and healthy environment. Irrefutable climate
science will be shown to the public, the courts and the
media. Xiuhtezcatlis also the youth director of Earth
Guardians group comprised of activists, artists, musi-
cians and concerned citizens from around the globe
who are stepping up to create positive change for our
Earth. He’s worked to get pesticides out of parks, coal
ash contained, and moratoriums on fracking in Ore-
gon. His book is part biography, telling his indigenous,
ancestral heritage with fascinating personal stories
and part handbook for how to create change in your
own community.He also has a new album, Break Free.
Xiuhtezcatl’s activism, writings and music has sparked
inspiration in a Woke Generation of youth who are
ready to create much needed change in our world.
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