Bend Health Guide Summer Issue 2017 Bend Health Guide | Page 23
Sustainable shows economic and environmental instabil-
ity of America’s food system, from agricultural issues we
face — soil loss, water depletion, climate change, pesti-
cide use — to a community of leaders who are deter-
mined to fix it.
Sustainable is a film about the land, the people who work
it and how to sustain it for future generations. Marty
Travis, a seventh-generation farmer, watched his land and
community fall victim to pressures of big agribusiness.
Marty transforms his profitless wasteland and pioneers an
Organic, sustainable food movement. Sustainable fea-
tures forward thinking farmers like Bill Niman, Klaas Mar-
tens and John Kempf. It’s a story of hope and transfor-
mation, about passion for the land and a promise that it
can be restored to once again sustain us.