Book Review
How to Change Everything,
By Changing Nothing
By Jenny La Fontaine
This book teaches you how to transform your
life from the inside out in 5 simple steps. It
begins by knowing that you are exactly where
you should be on your journey, there are no
mistakes. Life is not a destination, it is a jour-
ney. Jenny says, “sometimes we get stuck in
the emotional spin cycle”caught up in negative
beliefs and judgments. She will guide you off
the wheel with ease and grace.
Imagine being completely
happy with yourself and
everything around you in
this very moment of time.
Let go of trying to change anything, just be.
Your own true power lies within, this elegant
guide shows you ways to tap into your pow-
er in a Taoist way, there’s nothing difficult to
do, in fact her exercises are fun! Allow your
feelings to show up, witness them instead of
avoiding them, this helps you find your inner
gold. Learn how to listen to your own inner
guidance when making life decisions. I loved
all the testimonial stories using her techniques
to manifest destiny. This book will give you a
whole new perspective on life.
Book Review
by Timothy Ferris
Tim, Mr. Ferris if you are feeling formal, has invest-
ed thousands of hours, and hundreds of cups of
tea, honing his interview questions on celebrities,
scientists, athletes, investors, and serial entre-
preneurs. It is a solid bet that when he sends the
question, “What is your favorite failure?” along
with 10 other carefully crafted questions, to 100
of the most intriguing minds alive today (including
the Dalai Lama) that you are going to get some
I read like I shop. I don’t want to miss a thing. I
scan each page carefully, and have a notebook
handy for transcribing quotes to live by, and my
phone nearby for noting book recommendations
(Question #1) But, open to any page and you are
sure to find inspiration, wisdom, new ways to look
at a problem, and vital reminders that failure is the
most important thing we can do. In fact, Tribe is
formatted for just such intellectual snacking.
Common wisdom (a lá Jim Rohn) is that we be-
come the average of the 5 people we spend the
most time with. As we each search for our own
tribe - that ideal network of wonderfully smart and
interesting people - this book raises the bar. In
giving us rich glimpses into the habits and motiva-
tions of individuals who get up each day and live
their own personal version of a successful life, we
are lead to discover ours. It satisfies curiosity with-
out pandering. It enlightens without condescend-
ing. It expects more. It gives more. This is a tribe
I would choose, brought together in easy reach. | BEND HEALTH GUIDE