Bend Health BHG Fall 2018 Preview | Page 22

Effects of Eden Energy Medicine Techniques on Pain Perception and the Human Biofield : A Comparative Study

Effects of Eden Energy Medicine Techniques on Pain Perception and the Human Biofield : A Comparative Study

By Gail Jett , PhD , RN , NP , LMP , AHN-B C and EEM-AP

Healthcare in our country has become obscenely expensive without any cost ceiling in sight in the foreseeable future . I am a board- certified Nurse Practitioner in both Women ’ s Health and an Advanced Holistic Nurse . My career has spanned over 38 years , as I have become increasingly concerned with the cost of our healthcare as compared to its outcomes . We are spending more than any developed nation for the poorest outcomes . It has been said , continuing to do the same thing while expecting a different outcome is a definition of insanity .

As a nurse practitioner , my training and focus has been on preventative care ; helping people make healthier decisions in terms of lifestyle , diet , exercise , emotional health and well-being . Three years ago , I decided to get my doctorate , which has been a wonderful journey of deep spiritual introspection while learning to do solid scientific research . Since I am also an advanced practitioner of Eden Energy Medicine , I decided to do my research study on chronic pain while utilizing Donna Eden ’ s Daily Energy Routine and Zone tapping . These simple , yet powerful techniques can be done by anyone and do not require travel after they are learned . I am pleased to say that
my research study and dissertation had statistical significance in terms of pain reduction and increase in general well-being . This is an abstract of my study .
Healthcare in the United States costs more than any other developed country , while its health outcomes are some of the poorest . Chronic pain management utilizes a significant portion of healthcare expenditures and currently involves additional expense for patients in terms of travel to other healthcare providers ’ settings , and costs for visits and / or treatment and pharmaceutical management . A new source of patient-performed preventive healthcare practice for chronic pain management is necessary . The purpose of this study is to determine whether patient performed energy medicine techniques can reduce the perception of pain in subjects with chronic low back pain . Likewise , an additional purpose is to determine whether performance of these exercises can improve the robustness of the biofield .
Materials used were the VAS Pain Scale , McGill Pain Scale , the BioWell GDV camera ,
12 BEND HEALTH GUIDE | Winter 2018