Belmont Blessings Issue June 13, 2014 | Page 2

Issue Date: June 15, 2014 Guest Preachers at St. John’s Sunday June 22 - the Venerable David Peasgood Sunday September 7 - the Rev. Canon Byron Yates All parishioners are welcome to attend; however, we appreciate knowing if you plan to do so since the AWC is providing lunch following the service and need to have some idea of numbers. Speak to Gloria or call Marion at 705-778-3734. Inspections The required inspections have been carried out at both St. Michael’s and St. John’s with Christ Church scheduled for this coming week. No major issues. Summer Schedule Just to clarify for those who asked about the schedule of services posted this month. I will be taking my summer break during the month of August. The Sunday liturgy will be Morning Prayer. As has been the custom for several years now, my first Sunday back (September 7th) is scheduled as a BAS eucharist in all three churches. This year the Rev. Canon Byron Yates will be guest preacher at St. John’s on September 7th. First Thursday Eucharist These midweek eucharists will resume on Thursday September 4th. Havelock Church Community Barbecue Sunday, Sept 7th The date has been confirmed for this Ministerial sponsored event. Last year’s debut was so well received that we are going to keep the gathering going. A lot more detail will follow. There is a rumor that the Havelock Jammers will be a part of it all! Flyers As we receive them, flyers advertising events in the community and beyond are posted on the clipboards in each church. Browse there on your way in or out and you might find some interesting stuff going on.