The Best Days of Your Life
Ask anybody who has completed a course in college , what do they remember most about being in college ? What do you think takes top priority in their answers ? The most common responses are always about making friends , having fun , or , enjoying new experiences . Without a doubt , starting a college course is as much about making friends and finding out who you really are , as it is about getting a qualification . Forget those catch-phrases that school days are the best days of your life . We ’ ve got two words for you …. Sallynoggin College . Now , that ’ s where you can really start enjoying the best days of your life . After the long and sometimes tedious years of secondary school , you can finally get to choose to study in a specialist area . Starting a course of study in an area that interests you , that ’ s where the new experience begins . Overnight you will find yourself in class groups with students who have also chosen to be there . You can immediately meet people with similar interests , and straight away discover a whole new world of friendships . The friendships you make at Sallynoggin College can often be amongst the strongest and most long-term friendships of your life . Sallynoggin College , knows just how important these new friendships are . We maintain small classes , ensuring plenty of support , while also making it possible for you to get to know everybody in your group . You can get the best opportunities for getting to know many different types of people both within your own group and amongst other courses . We also understand that you don ’ t come to college just to work ! Yes , you most importantly will have goals and qualifications which you hope to achieve . We are with you 100 % on that one ! At Sallynoggin College , we also recognize that while you are in college to learn , you are also in college to live the experience ! That ’ s why we want to make every day worth your while , both academically and personally . With that in mind , we want each of our students to make the most of their Sallynoggin College Experience . No month is ever the same at Sallynoggin College , and our students bring plenty of energy and ideas to creating a year-long calendar of events . For those who were feeling fit , or dreaming of being fit , this year , we have been building our stamina , running Zombie-style for Hallowe ’ en , to occasionally catching our breath after some Lunch-time pre-Christmas Fitness Challenges . We even had our first ever Drag Show this year to celebrate Stand-up week , and are incredibly proud of all our stunning huns ! You can check out our facebook page , SCFE- Sallynoggin College to discover more . The fun doesn ’ t stop there though ! We just love to put on Fashion Events , Dance Shows , Theatre performances , Political Debates , Quizzes , Multicultural events , Art Exhibitions , Guest Speaker Events or good old-fashioned FUN DAYS . There are always activities to get involved with , daytrips to plan for and something to look forward to , and new people to meet . That ’ s what makes The Sallynoggin College Experience .
For more information , you can contact us , like us , follow us and APPLY ONLINE to be part of The Sallynoggin College Experience on : Website : www . scfe . ie Facebook : SCFE - Sallynoggin College Instagram : sallynoggincollege