BellTime Magazine Spring/Summer 2017 7 | Page 23


Ballsbridge College

Ballsbridge College is a wellestablished college with many years of experience delivering full- time Post Leaving Certificate courses . All courses are QQI certified and provide students with the knowledge and skills required to work in their chosen employment sector or to use their qualification to progress to higher education .
Courses cover areas such as accounting ; marketing and advertising ; criminology ; social studies ; event management ; applied psychology ; web design and multimedia ; IT skills ; media and law . The college also offers courses in health sector studies ; international aid and development ; community development ; auctioneering ; Chinese with business ; digital marketing ; EFL and TEFL . Student maintenance ( SUSI ) grants are available to eligible students .
All courses include a work placement component .
Ballsbridge College welcomes and supports all students and strives to provide a learning environment that is inclusive and supportive of all ages , background and experience . Mature students and social welfare recipients are particularly welcome .
The college is equipped to the highest standards in information and communication technology and offers various students supports such as career guidance and counselling , student tutoring and a virtual learning environment .
The college is located in Ballsbridge and is easily accessible by bus , Dart and Luas from all parts of the city and beyond . It is a pleasant 20 minute walk from Grafton Street .
For further details on how to find the college and additional details on the college ’ s courses please visit the college ’ s website at
www . ballsbridgecollege . com , contact the college at 01 -6684806 or email at info @ ballsbridge . cdetb . ie