BellTime Magazine Autumn/Winter 2016 6 | Page 68

BellTime 6 pt2:Layout 1 23/09/2016 20:03 Page 68 BellTIME Stein Study: European Day of Languages Stein Study in partnership with Dundalk Grammar school are set to celebrate the Council of Europe’s European Day of Languages (EDL) on September 26th. Set up by the Council in 2001, EDL is a major annual event across Europe. Every country organises multilingual festivals, theatre productions, and talks, exploring diverse cultural pride. EDL’s objective is to promote a flexible mentality among students. Learning a language doesn’t mean speaking like a native. Being able to converse in a foreign language as an act of cultural respect is far more important. Dundalk’s become a hub for FDI’s and global players such as Paypal. Where better for Stein Study and students of Dundalk Grammar to participate in Ireland's largest language celebration. For the past two years, Stein Study has partnered with the students of Dundalk Grammar school for EDL. This year, to help the DGS students promote EDL in their school the students attended a Stein Study Academy week. Gwen Noone of Dundalk’s Digital Bakery spoke to the students about digital marketing and website creation and the Stein Study team discussed how social media and blogging platforms can be used as a tool for promoting businesses and events like the EDL. Given the global demand for more university graduates in language and technology, the Academy week is an exciting crossover for students to engage with both disciplines. Throughout the week, students demonstrated serious enthusiasm in the academy sessions, needless to say, these bright sparks will make this a stellar EDL event. 68 Council of Europe – EDL site Leargas (Irish Relay) -