Well-Being and Learning:
The learning to Learn approach
We all know that one of the key challenges that our
students are facing today, is the ongoing changes in
the nature of knowledge and the need for the
requisite skills to process this increasing amount of
information. Whilst some of our students seem to
breeze through their school years, others seem to
struggle with this sometimes overwhelming amount of
information, putting them at risk of getting lost in our
educational system and not reaching their full
potential. This stress on students naturally effects
their sense of well-being at this stage in their lives.
The Learning to Learn Programme supports students
in knowing themselves better as learners along with
being more organised and confident as learners
which will reduce their stress levels and add to their
sense of well-being. This programme is based not
only on international best practice in education and
learning but also in the years of experience that The
Super Generation has in working with thousands of
students and teachers in hundreds of schools
group work methodologies all help the student
engage more directly in their learning and build their
confidence as learners by allowing them to share,
discuss and reflect upon their learning,
Another key element in helping the student make
progress in their leaning is helping them understand
themselves better as learners. Sometimes students
may feel limited by a perceived notion of their own
ability. By learning about brain plasticity and growth
mindset students can begin to realise their own
potential for