BellTime Magazine Autumn 2017 BellTime 8-3 | Page 39

E : development @ badmintonireland . com T : ( 01 ) 839 3028 www . badmintonireland . com
What is ‘ Shuttle Time ’? Badminton Ireland Teacher Training Coaching Course
What is the objective of ‘ Shuttle Time ’? Provide teachers with the skills and knowledge to implement fun , inclusive , and safe Badminton Activities
Benefits of completing a ‘ Shuttle Time ’ course ? 1 . Access to online video resources / lesson plans / teachers manual 2 . Admission Passes to the 2017 Irish Open 3 . Develop an understanding of the skills and knowledge necessary to coach Badminton at school level 4 . Free affiliation to Badminton Ireland for the teacher 5 . Purchase a schools ’ kitbag ( 15 rackets / 2 tubes of shuttles ) at a discounted price of € 90 . Standard retail price € 250 .
Affiliate your school for € 15 to Badminton Ireland and send up to three teachers on a ‘ Shuttle Time ’ course .
E : development @ badmintonireland . com T : ( 01 ) 839 3028 www . badmintonireland . com

2017-2018 Schools Project

The 2017 / 2018 school year will see the beginning of a new school project being implemented by Badminton Ireland in various locations across the country .
This project will consist of five phases for participating schools ’; Phase 1 : FREE Teacher Training for 3 Teachers in the School Phase 2 : FREE Kitbag Provided to Schools ’ who Complete
Shuttle Time Phase 3 : Training Manual Provided to Schools ’ to Work on for 4-8 Weeks with their Shuttle Time Teacher Phase 4 : Social School Blitz Day for all Participating Schools ’ Phase 5 : Club Open Days for Schools ’ to Attend in their Region
The aim of the project is to provide an increased number of school children nationwide with the opportunity to trial , and play badminton . Not all children would receive the opportunity to experience badminton . However , by expanding the game to new regions we hope to offer children the chance to participate in a form of physical activity which they may not have tried previously .
The initial phase of this project will target up to five regions , with a view to expanding that to additional locations on an annual basis . To find out if the project will be coming to your county in 2017-2018 please contact development @ badmintonireland . com