BELLE VM September 2014 | Page 10




Everyone has listen about Pilates but few know the story of Pilates and all the benefits this practice will bring to your life. Josep Pilates created this method in the 1923 he was born in Germany ,this  exercises  were specialize to give the enough strength to the powerhouse, the  core  compose by the  abdominals, pelvic floor, diaphragm, and  multifidus. Joseph Pilates created this method in the second world war because he was in charge of the people at the hospitals that needed rehabilitation to feel better and to strength  the body so they could recover fast. With this method he started to see results in the patients recovering faster than the ones that didn´t practice Pilates. This means that Pilates is a method that gives results in a deep way working with  our body and mind, creating a strong  body that will provide  benefits in every daily activity of our  lives . Giving confidence,  strength to the  body, good posture, and giving you the opportunity to  connect  your body and mind.

Pilates became so popular in the last decade because is giving the best  results to the body making peo ple feel  better  with themselves.  Pilates  will become a style of life  a habit  that once you start practicing you will start see results and your life will change in a positive way giving you the opportunity to have a better quality of life.

One of the most important things about Pilates is   breathing, because this is our bridge between mind and body, each excercise is in rhythm with our breath, when we inhale and exhale we create  connection with  our bodies. Each class of Pilates will give you the connection between mind and body.

One of the biggest benefits of practicing Pilates is posture because the exercises  are focused to  give strength and stretch to the deepest muscles of the lower back and core, this means if you spend many hours in the car or in the office, Pilates will give you the benefits to make you feel better with your body.  Joseph Pilates creates this method for everyone to have a better lifestyle to make them feel young, healthy, beautiful,  strong and increasing the  connection between  body and mind.


by: Vanessa Santillana Hernandez