We have learned that kombucha tea is a combination of bacteria, yeast, acid and other natural ingredients. The specific amounts vary with each batch of tea, though most will contain: Lactic acid , Acetic acid, B vitamins, Gluconic acid, Alcohol (less than 0.5%). Kombucha has many health benefits. It’s not just a delicious alternative to soda as is is a naturally carbonated, fermented tea. While pasteurization and irradiation kill bacteria and yeast, fermentation actually uses live bacteria and yeast, as well as a sugar source, to create its end products, which include naturally fermented sauerkraut, kimchi, sourdough bread, beer and wine, yogurt, and yes, kombucha. Kombucha is not as fermented as wine or beer — it only has a tiny percentage of alcohol. While kombucha is sold at many health food stores and grocery stores, it can be made at home for pennies using organic black tea, sugar, and a starter culture called a SCOBY.

Kombucha is an ancient drink, made for centuries and celebrated for its many health benefits. It is said to have originated in China during the Tsin dynasty, where it was nicknamed the “elixir of life.” Kombucha then made its way to Russia, and eventually to the United States.

Perhaps the number one benefit one can obtain from KOMBUCHA is boost to your immune system as it is rich in antioxidants. Our immune system is in our gut and Kombucha has probiotics and enzymes that promote detoxification. One of the main jobs of the good bacteria in your gut is to detoxify. By adding more beneficial bacteria to your gut, you’re getting the job done faster. Kombucha promotes detoxification. Regular consumption of kombucha tea also supports liver function.

In addition to beneficial bacteria, kombucha contains B vitamins and enzymes.

B vitamins provide support for the body’s metabolic functions including overall energy, utilization of carbohydrates, heart health, and healthy hair, skin, and nails. Adequate intake of B vitamins can reduce stress, anxiety and depression, boost memory, and relieve PMS. Everyone needs more energy these days, which is why so many of us are reaching for coffee, tea, sugar, caffeinated sodas, and “energy drinks”. Kombucha is the original energy drink. This is not an artificial jolt of caffeine or sugar — but a natural energy booster. Because kombucha helps the body detoxify, there is less burden on your system, and as a result, you get more energy. As stated above, kombucha is also rich in B vitamins, which gives the body energy. Enzymes boost metabolism. In addition, all the beneficial bacterial and enzymes in the kombucha help your body work better and take the burden off of it’s functioning.

Kombucha helps to relieve PMS. How? B vitamins help to break down and flush out excess estrogen from the body (a condition called estrogen dominance). This can help to reduce PMS symptoms.

It also relieves from Arthritis and Joint Pain. Arthritis is an immune disorder. kombucha is rich in probiotic bacteria which help to rebuild healthy gut flora, and strengthen immunity.