BELLE Jun.2014 | Page 12

Who inspired you to become a custom artist?

What is your biggest accomplishment?

What is your 4th single 'Braveheart' all about?

Quite a few people but it was mainly Carmen Fierce. I'd known about her for a year or so and actually got to audition in front of her at Habbo Idol, when I wasn't known. Which was amazing but also scary. Anyway, a year later I was considering going into customing full time, but wasn't sure if I was ready or good enough for the indusry. But Carmen just inspired me to take the plunge. If it didn't work out. It didn't work out/ Thankfully it did.

I think my biggest accomplishment as breaking

into the industry and being noticed by myself.

I thought I wasn't doing good enough. Certain

people told me things, but I kept doing me. Kept

going and here I am.

Well it's not a deep meaning or anything. It's just an amazing. fun party track for the clubs. (I love that sort of music). It's presumably to a guy to telling him to show what he's got. When the beat drops and be brave about it.