Blair Vanderblt
Do you have any advice for people that want to start a modelling career?
If you weren't a model right now. What career would you be in?
How has being Habbo's Super Model changed you as a person?
hmm If I wasn't a model I'll most likely be designing or having my own fashion line or maybe even something in music but
I just love modeling so much. It's meant for me.
If you want to start a modeling career it's hard work. My advice would be to just be original and try your hardest you'll definatley get more noticed that way and don't be afraid to ask. When I was first starting out as a model and if someone was hosting a fashion show. I would go up and ask if I could walk for them. You can't wait for the work to come to you. Don't be afraid to speak up and ask.
Being a supermodel has definatley changed me as a person . I'm more confident and stronger now and you develop a attitude in a good way and you get to work with all these different people with different and unique talents.