Belinda Murrell: Bringing Australian History To Life | Page 38

AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AND ITS ALLIES WAGE WAR OVER HALF A MILLION AUSTRALIANS SERVED IN THE MILITARY DURING WORLD WAR II, OUT OF A POPULATION OF ABOUT SEVEN MILLION. LIKE MANY OF THE COUNTRIES INVOLVED, AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS THREW THEMSELVES INTO SUPPORTING THE WAR EFFORT, ENDURING YEARS OF HARDSHIP, RATIONS AND THE LOSS OF 40,000 OF OUR OWN. FAST FACTS ✓ Australia declared war on Japan on 8 December 1941 after the surprise bombing of Pearl Harbor. At Pearl Harbor, more than 2400 people were killed and a further 1280 were injured. ✓ There were more than ninety-seven bombing raids on Australia by the Japanese. The first and most devastating attack on Darwin was on 19 February 1942, followed by a second attack later that day. In these raids, more than 243 people were killed and almost 400 wounded. Image courtesy of the Australia War Memorial. ✓ There were more bombs dropped on Darwin on 19 February 1942 than were dropped on Pearl Harbor. The attack was carried out by the same force that attacked Pearl Harbor several weeks before. Australians from all walks of life contributed to the war effort. The media gave it blanket coverage, while many teenagers from as young as fifteen or sixteen, both boys and girls, lied about their age to join the armed services or the women’s auxiliary services. Over 65,000 Australian women served in the armed forces. In addition to the lives lost in the 1942 bombings of Darwin, eight Australian ships were sunk and most of the civil and military facilities destroyed. 38 ✓ The Germans surrendered in Europe on 7 May 1945 after six years of war; however, the Japanese refused to surrender. In July, t H[YYXY\