When one door closes another door opens....
Things don't always happen the way that you want them to, sometimes you get what you want and sometimes you don't. However, we need to remember that God knows what is best for us. Yes he gives us free will and choice to make our decisions but sometimes there are things that you just don't need and while you may not see the big picture now, remember that there will be a big picture. For Example, This week I got my results back from the Oberlin MVP program and the Colorado Allstate Chior. I wrote an awesome essay for Oberlin and I was really confident that I would get in but I didn't. I was a lot less confident with allstate, I hadn't made it the last year so I definately didnt think I would get in this year, but I did! And I was so much more happy with Allstate then I would've been with oberlin! God knows whats best for you and you have to trust him in all that you do! Lay all of your worries and troubles and burdens down. and Watch God work:)