Believers Grounded In the Resurrected Lord! Believers Grounded In the Resurrected Lord! | страница 2

What we are all about.....

Ladies, as women we have it hard, as christian women we have even more to battle. Pop culture tells us that it is O.K to exploit ourselves and pop culture is everywhere! But God's word tells us to be virtuous, modest, honest, kind... and not very easily acsessible. I always hear people say be a proverbs 31 woman. In this magazinge we will explore what it means to be a virtuous, proverbs 31 woman. excited yet? we will study how pop culture lines up with God's word and if it doesnt line up we will find alternatives that will be sooo much better for you. This magazine is made by Christian teens for Christian teens and Lord willing we will both grow through this process. If you dont remember anything else you just remember this, Give it all to God. Your burdens , worries, and fears; and things will get better for you. Trust that God will take care of it, and love God with ALL of you. your whole heart soul and mind...CWC

With Love,
