Beings, and Organs BEINGS, AND ORGANS | Page 6

EXPERIENCING BEING, AND ORGANS Dramaturg’s Notes Being, and Organs pries at the intersection between the possibilities that technology offer and the humanistic implications that it poses. The sophisticated enhancements that can be made on a human, force one to question who or what this new enhanced being is. In this work, audience bear witness to events that enable the human species to grapple with their newfound identity, or not. Audience will soon encounter aspects of physiologically and intellectually augmented transhumans. The struggle the human faces when seeking ways to balance her positionality alongside transhumans, and the technologically modified human’s sudden glitches in a seemingly mundane activity highlights the potential vulnerability that both may face. Nonetheless both remain true to their need to connect with the other. Being, and Organs is a heartwarming invitation to take a peek into both the human’s and transhuman’s emotional being.