Being Trauma Informed - A Residential Conference | Page 3

11.45am ‘Trauma informed’ services for Aboriginal children and young people. Associate Professor Muriel Bamblett, AM. Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency 12.30pm Lunch 1.30pm What can we learn from implementation in different sectors? (select one option of the three available) Trauma and Child Protection - implications for practice. Tracy Beaton, Department of Health & Human Services TICPOT- The Trauma-Informed Care and Practice Organisational Toolkit: A Quality Improvement Organisational Change Resource. Corinne Henderson, Mental Health Coordinating Council Lessons learnt in working to break the family violence - trauma - incarceration cycle. Emeritus Professor Judy Atkinson Ph.D., We Al-li 2.15pm What can we learn from implementation in different sectors? (select second option of the three above) 3.00pm Afternoon tea 3.30pm Panel: Reflections on being trauma informed Annette Jackson, Berry Street Take Two Noel MacNamara, Australian Childhood Foundation Rudy Gonzalez, Department of Health & Human Services (ex Lighthouse Institute) 4.45pm Knowledge exchange 5.30pm Break 6.30pm Pre-dinner drinks 7.00pm Formal Dinner commences. MC - Sandie de Wolf, AM, Berry Street. Guest Speaker - Crystal Goetz. Day 3 Friday 23rd October 9.00am Brief introduction to Day 3 - Julian Pocock, Berry Street 9.10am Is a trauma lens enough? Paul McDonald, Anglicare 9.45am Q & A with Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. 11.00am Morning Tea 11.30am What do we take forward in our practice and organisations? Group activity led by Julian Pocock, Berry Street 12.20pm Reflections, wrap up. 12.30pm Lunch available before departure