Beginning Teacher's Guide Issue 1, May. 2014 | Page 8

Reference Lists and useful Websites

ACARA, (2012). Critical and Creative Thinking. Retrieved 19 May, 2014. From

Educational Leadership - Preparing Creative & Critical thinkers. D.J. Treffinger. Retrieved 19 May, 2014. From

Hoffnung, M., Hoffnung R.J., Sifert K., Burton Smith, R., Hine, A., Ward, L., Pause C. (2010) Lifespan Development, A Chronological Approach. Milton, Queensland: Wiley

Critical and Creative Thinking Song

(To the tune "I don't need anything but you" from Annie)

andTogether at Last

Together forever!

We're tying a knot,

They never can sever!

We don't need worksheets now,

To turn our skies to blue -

We don't need anything but you!

You've opened our eyes

To a new way of thinking

You've made life engaging

Australian Curriculum

And what's the word we

Want to hear morning and noon

Think, Think and think this happy tune.

Reading, Writing and Listening

You can say that again

Reading, Writing and Listening

But that's, not now, that's then

I'm good at analysis

I'm better at solving

together were great and better at generating.

And if tomorrow, I can solve a problem too, I don't need anything but you

Assess and question each other

Predict and strategise

Generate and discover

Reason and analyse

We used to need sheets

To fill every hour

We hated to feel

That feeling so sour

Now every other need

Has disapperaed from view

I don't need anything but you

They're two of a kind

The happiest pair now

Like question and answer

They're floating on air now

And what's the title of the dream

That's just come true?

I dont need anything



I dont need anything but you!