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justo congue nunc sed interdum!!
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posuerecubilia curae. Cras et eros convallis risus ullamcorper aliquam at in odio. Quisque vitae rutrum mi. Aliquam ac erat at neque. Nulla at facilisi.
Key Learning
Critical and creative thinking aspects found in KLA’s.
Critical and creative thinking are integral part so of English. Students need to be able to come to draw conclusions, expand on ideas, create stories and assess and answer different kinds of questions. To be creative in English you need the skills, logic, resourcefulness, innovation, imagination and be able to look outside the square to develop your learning on the basis on critical thinking.
This can be seen through an array of different texts and genres from creative writing to the close analysis of a text. Students will use their creativity to explore all options in writing, reading and listening to then use their critical analysis to justify their point of view.
Through creative and critical thinking students allow them self to solve problems, look for all possible outcomes and consider all options when finding an answer. It’s important for students to use creative and critical thinking to be open to all solutions, think broadly and to use these skills outside of the classroom. The critical component is essential to deduce reasoning, appropriate strategies and evaluating skills to answer all problems. Strategies fall under the creative approach of how to best use calculations and appropriate questions to answer logical questions in mathematics.
They are encouraged to not only use equations but to use diagrams to have a visual representation to explore the creative approach in the critical analysis of questions.
Critical and creative thinking allows students to explore all answers, create hypothesises, consider all options and possibilities and then solve/ evaluate problems. These tools allow students to use imagination and innovation in tasks in and out of school, with logic and appropriate behaviour in mind. This capability is an important aspect to science as students need to be able to look for solutions to problems, determine aims, investigate options, make predictions and observe to find formulate conclusions. Intern they will understand concepts they wouldn’t have been able to without these processes.
Scientific investigation allows students to improve on their investigating skills, to be open minded about all possible outcomes, to develop a scientific understanding and to view to world from a scientific point of view.
Students develop the ability through critical and creative thinking to learn new concepts, evaluate knowledge, look at all possible options, seek alternative solutions and evaluate. This capability acquires students to broaden their way of thinking to use resources, logic, behaviour, imagination and use cognitive/ motor skills to draw conclusions. Historical inquiry can best completed with these steps. Critical thinking used to interpret and understand sources, documentation, be open to discussion to develop your argument based off evidence and use a logical thought process to deduce your outcome. Creative thinking gives opportunity to open to new explanations off past events and view facts from all aspects.